10 Beloved Video Game Moments That Would Be Too Offensive In 2017
9. Call Of Duty's AC-130 Drone Cam
At the time: We collectively marvelled at just how lifelike and incredibly realistic Modern Warfare's drone-cam level looked. Blasting all those white blips into smithereens was a literal and figurative blast - one that helped cement Call of Duty 4 as one of the finest military shooters of all time.
Now: Thanks to the proliferation of drone strikes taking so many innocent lives in the real world, games like Spec-Ops: The Line and This War of Mine have addressed the desensitising effects of using them and/or the fallout of conflicts in general. Mainly thanks to a mix of progress made through gaming as a medium and the altered landscape of how drones as an aspect of war are received, including a sequence that lets the player enjoy seeing the world in literal black and white would never end well.
The Modern Warfare remake skirted by on the fact it was re-rendering something from years gone by, but the political and global climate isn't in a place where anybody even remotely aware of overseas conflicts and the impact of drones could play with a guilt-free conscience.