10 Beloved Video Games You Forgot Never Got Sequels

9. Cold Fear

While Cold Fear borrowed a few (okay, most) of its ideas from the then insanely popular Resident Evil 4, it still stands on its own today as an incredibly interesting and scary horror game in its own right. Dialling the sense of claustrophobia and isolation up to 11 by brilliantly setting the game on a desolate and eerie boat, the title pulsed with a sense of personality and imagination that allowed for a truly memorable gaming experience. A great set of monsters and crunchy shooting mechanics naturally helped the proceedings too, but the best parts of Cold Fear simply stemmed from navigating the nightmarish ghost ship you were trapped on. Unfortunately a sequel for the game never came to fruition, which is a shame considering Cold Fear actually feels reminiscent of the original Dead Space, if you swap out the vast expanse of space for the high seas, that is.
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3