10 Best Aliens And Predator Games

8. Alien: Trilogy (1996)

Alien Isolation
20th Century Fox

One of the best movie tie-in games relating to the adventures of Sigourney Weaver's amazing Ellen Ripley put players in all three of the Alien movies made at that time.

Another PC first-person shooter, this game opted to be the one that broke the Alien game formula mold. Instead, players were essentially given another DOOM game but with the smaller hands of Ripley shooting at the dark and deadly aliens from the beloved trilogy instead of the endless bunny killing hordes of hell.

The game did a decent job of progressing along with the plot of the two best Alien movies ever made along with the mixed third movie, thankfully stopping just before things got weird for Ellen and the Aliens.

A pretty well-received game, the Alien trilogy tie-in paved a bloody way for future Alien games to be made. Yes, even the one we don't talk about anymore.


Your friendly neighborhood writer across the pond in the United States' west coast with a deep love for everything nerdy. He is a big fan of Batman and Godzilla and is always excited to see what the future of the entertainment industry will bring.