10 Best Baseball Video Games Of All Time

4. Triple Play 2000 (PlayStation Version)

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Triple Play 2000 was the only game of the Triple Play series to release on both the PlayStation and the N64, and they probably would have saved themselves a lot of trouble if they canned that N64 version. It was slow, clunky and was eaten alive by critics all while the PlayStation version is looked upon as one of the best games in the series. Even if Sammy Sosa was featured on the cover over Mark McGwire after his 70 home run season, but I digress.

At the time, Triple Play 2000 was one of the best looking baseball games out there. Not only were the graphics great, but even the animations were better than the competition. Sammy Sosa would kiss and point to the sky after a home run just like he would, and even players could be seen chewing gum among many other little nuances.

On top of the graphical enhancements, Triple Play 2000 also fine tweaked the gameplay to be even better and more responsive all while not getting too complicated. While batting you could either go for a bunt, normal swing or a power swing and holding certain directions would direct your hit. Again this all sounds like a no-brainer today, but at the time this was revolutionary.

The Triple Play series wouldn't last much longer after 2000, eventually being taken in a different direction by EA and becoming MVP Baseball in 2003. Triple Play 2000, however, will always be remembered by baseball fans as not only a highlight of the series but of baseball games in general.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.