10 Best Baseball Video Games Of All Time

3. World Series Baseball

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World Series Baseball, released all the way back in 1994 by Sega, might be one of the most important baseball video games of all time. It was the first baseball game to have licenses from both the MLB and MLB Players Association. This allowed the game to not only feature all the teams from the MLB but to also include the names of all the players on those teams. Only a handful of games prior were even able to secure just one of the two licenses, let alone both. This led to, at the time, the most genuine baseball experience available in a video game.

The game's influences don't even end there either. On top of being the first game to secure both licenses, it was also the first to have realistic stadium replicas in game. AND it was the first baseball game to feature a "catcher's eye" camera angle, which became a staple in every single baseball game from then on out.

Even without 3D graphics, World Series Baseball was praised for its realistic presentation of baseball and paved the way for all baseball games that came after it. While it may be the most influential of all time, there are just a couple of games that managed to beat it out.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.