10 Best Boss Battles In Final Fantasy History - Ranked

1. Yunalesca – Final Fantasy X

Final fantasy bosses
Square Enix

This battle is, quite simply, incredible.

The visuals are tantalisingly hideous (Yunalesca looks like she'd be far more comfortable in the Bloodborne universe), the fight is incredibly challenging, but never feels cheap, and it all gets rounded off with the emotional impact of learning that Spira is doomed to a cycle of Sin and the summoner's sacrifice.

Yunalesca has multiple forms. Her first, the human form, is easy to deal with, countering physical and magical attacks with her own status effects, but she's manageable. It starts to get much more difficult in her second form when she starts casting Zombie on party members. In her final and utterly terrifying form, she casts MegaDeath.

If you've been curing all your party members of Zombie to stop her healing them to death, bad luck, because they've just been killed.

The final phase is a chess game of keeping one of your party members inflicted just enough with terrible, crippling status effects, that you can survive her powerful attacks, revive your comrades, and occasionally deal some damage against her.

The battle is a great challenge, full of surprises, poignant to the story, and ultimately a lot of fun, which is why it takes the #1 spot.


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Writer, aspiring author, and I won't stop travelling until I've seen it all. Whilst I might take a break now and then to rant about politics or muse over philosophy, I'm not afraid to roll up my sleeves, buckle down, and spend some solid hours gaming!