10 Best Boss Fights In 3D Super Mario History

6. Megaleg (Super Mario Galaxy)

Super Mario Galaxy Bowser

As soon as Mario lands on Megaleg's absolutely tiny planet, he's dwarfed by this enormous machine that towers over him. There's clearly no way to actually fight this monolithic monstrosity - except to climb it.

The best part about Super Mario Galaxy is the platforming, so when it's married to a boss fight, you're onto a winner. Mario is required to climb Megaleg right to the very top, overcoming a few simple jumping challenges while avoiding numerous Bullet Bills.

As you reached Megaleg's summit and deal some damage, you enter the final phase where the excitement ramps up. The music, which is great by the way, speeds up dramatically and the amount of Bullet Bills being fired at you is absurd. Mario has to guide one over the gating protecting Megaleg's weak point and destroy it.

It's a brilliant boss that demonstrates a number of things - the intriguing use of gravity in the game allowing you to walk up Megaleg freely, plus the sublime marrying of platforming and boss fighting.

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Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.