10 Best Boss Fights In 3D Super Mario History

3. Bowser Final Battle (Super Mario Galaxy 2)

Super Mario Galaxy Bowser

Bowser's gargantuan size is used to full effect in SMB 2. The central gimmick of this fight is that Bowser has grown massive, and so instead of duelling Mario on a planet, he now instead flies around it.

The fight itself is incredibly cinematic, with the planet Mario is on being assaulted by comets that wedge themselves into the ground at full speed. Bowser then punches the planet with such force that the comets burst back out again, leaving them vulnerable for Mario to jump on and ground pound, sending them straight into Bowser.

After Bowser is seemingly defeated and victory is Mario's, Bowser suddenly returns and the fight continues. It's probably the most cinematic a Bowser fight has ever been, with an uncharacteristic finale involving Bowser flying towards Mario, who must smack comets back at him. It's definitely a unique set-up, but despite the presentation, it's also a disappointingly simple affair for a final fight.

It's also peculiar to have so much control taken away from Mario in the final phase. If anything, Mario's boss battles are at their best when they marry control with combat, but here it can feel lacking if you were expecting a bit more from the last fight in the game.

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Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.