10 Best Boss Fights In 3D Super Mario History

2. Bowser Final Battle (Super Mario 64)

Super Mario Galaxy Bowser

Mario's nemesis is fought three times throughout Super Mario 64, with increasing difficulty each time. The final fight is what makes this list, and it's all about the atmosphere.

First of all, there's the build up. As with all of the Bowser fights in this game, Mario must first navigate a gruelling level of pure platforming skill. These so-called 'Bowser levels' are the definition of epic - punctuated by one of the best tracks in Mario history, Koopa's Road, these levels feel like an extension of the boss fight. There's a real feeling of finality to the levels as you push onward to a singular destination, overcoming everything to finally face Bowser. It's fantastic.

Now, Bowser's theme in this game is excellent - but it doesn't compare to the surprising, haunting, funereal final theme of the last boss fight. The introduction to these fights is timeless - Bowser stomping onto the battlefield, towering over Mario with a nasty chuckle. This is back in the day when Bowser was truly evil, after all.

As the fight drags on - Bowser takes three hits to be defeated now - he destroys most of the battlefield, turning it into a star with very little room for maneuverability. It's an excellent battle and a truly climatic way to finish off one of the best games of all time.

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Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.