10 Best Bows And Arrows In Video Game History

2. Turok: Evolution

In 2002, back when dinosaurs were still a virtual commodity, Turok: Evolution brought the titular hunter to the original Xbox in his first outing since Turok 3 on the N64. The subtitle doesn't just refer to prehistoric lizards, but also to Tal'Set's origin, directly preceding his taking of the name Turok. We're not going to pretend we didn't have to research that little narrative connection. All we really remember is the shooting. Don't blame us! Turok is essentially a slightly less ridiculous Duke Nukem with less sexism and more dinosaurs. The dinosaur hunter was known for some nutty weapons back in his original day, and Evolution continued that legacy. When we weren't hucking grenades that detonated on impact, slamming fools into the floors and walls with the Gravity Disrupter (before Half-Life 2, mind you) and firing killer black holes into the middle of a room, we were picking off Dinosoid punks with Turok's signature Tek Bow. At the time, Evolution's gore system was one of the most fleshed-out we'd ever scene, and the Tek Bow took full advantage of it. Forceful amputations and headshots popping domes with fountains of red stuff were cranked up to eleven with explosive arrows that blew enemies apart in great meat showers. Our favorite arrow, however, and biggest reason this game made it so high on the list, was the Poison Arrow, which simply made bad guys keel over and start vomiting. The bile color even varied, depending on what species of freak you'd shot. We're not kidding, and it worked wonders tactically. You can't fight when you're puking your guts out, but if you're the last grunt standing, we can sit here and watch you gag through our crazy awesome, sci-fi bow-scope.

Real Science Magazine called James' addiction to video games "sexually attractive." He also worked really hard and got really lucky in college and earned some awards for acting, improv and stand-up, but nobody cares about that out here in LA. So... He's starting over fresh, performing when He can. His profile picture features James as Serbian, vampire comic Dorde Mehailo with His anonymous Brother and Uncle at the Nerdmelt Showroom in West Hollywood. In James' spare time, he engages in acting, writing, athletics, hydration, hours of great pondering and generally wishing you'd like him.