10 Best Capcom Games Of The Decade - Ranked

1. Resident Evil 2 Remake

resident evil 2

If there was one game to hold up as an exemplary execution on everything Capcom have stood for in the past - and can bring to the table now - it's the RE2 remake.

Sublimely assembled across a series of environments loaded with light puzzles and upgrades to find, Capcom revamped the series' gunplay with some of the most detailed enemy models we've ever seen.

Chunks of flesh and muscle fly off as limbs can be targeted to create makeshift weak points, weapons are punch and enjoyable to experiment with, and the tactics you'll develop on the fly help restore the series' survival horror reputation. Fearsome, nightmare-inducing Lickers are back to being some of gaming's most terrifying creature designs, and graphics across the board are second to none.

After RE7 showed Capcom's future might lie in first-person shocks and thrills, this remake proved it's a mesh of their past two genre identities - isometric and over-the-shoulder - that truly makes for the finest experience.

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