10 Best Castlevania Games

7. Castlevania: Bloodlines

Castlevania Symphony Of The Night

There wasn't much love from Konami for the Sega Genesis; Bloodlines was the only Castlevania title released on the console. Thus, for players who were on Sonic's team during the console wars, Bloodlines might have been their only taste of the vampire-slaying sidescroller, and is likely fondly remembered as such. Here, legendary vampire Elizabeth Bartley, Dracula's niece, is trying to once more resurrect her uncle so that he can rise again and overtake the world.

This time, you play distant as one of two characters; the title character is the distant descendant of the Belmont clan, John Morris, as he takes up that infamous whip against the undead, demonic hordes of the vampire lord. The other was Erik Lecarde, who was equipped with a long spear that allowed him to perform high jumps to traverse levels differently to Morris, who used the Vampire Killer to swing over gaps in the six levels you could play through.

Bloodlines had a new take on some of the classic settings and iconic enemies that were series mainstays by this point. It might have been overshadowed by Super Castlevania IV, but it is no less worthy of your time than the latter title.

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