10 Best Celebrity Appearances In Video Games You Totally Missed

5. Jonathan Banks As Jim Gordon - Batman: Arkham Knight

batman arkham knight jim gordon jonathan banks

Who would've thought Mike from Breaking Bad would switch from a life of crime to a life FIGHTING crime?

Arkham Knight desired to be the most cinematic Arkham game yet, so necessary changes were made to accommodate this new vision. This meant bringing in more performers that have experience being in front of the camera, like John Noble and Jonathan Banks.

Jim Gordon had his most substantial role in AK, and Banks brought his A-game to the sound booth. This Gordon was hardened, grizzled after the events of the previous two games. He also has a daughter to take care of, but due to her line of work, she won't be safe for long, and Gordon won't be happy about it. Banks brings to Gordon a strong sense of confidence and a straightforward nature that greatly fits with the character, also nailing those moments where his foundation begins to crumble and he begins to have intense emotional reactions.

With this interpretation of Jim Gordon, Banks provided a version that was confident, yet questions his own decision-making. Banks turns Gordon into an impressively balanced and layered character, allowing him to be as good, if not better, than the Dark Knight trilogy's version (no easy feat).


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.