10 Best Celebrity Appearances In Video Games You Totally Missed

4. Billy Zane As Ansem - Kingdom Hearts

billy zane kingdom hearts
20th Century Fox/Square Enix

Billy Zane's transition from the jerk boyfriend in Titanic to an incarnation of pure evil was clearly no difficult task. In Kingdom Hearts, Zane plays Ansem, the Seeker of Darkness and is the Heartless of the character Xehanort. Through his natural ability to make audiences/players hate him, Zane provided an antagonist that was both memorable and despised appropriately.

Zane nails the character by delivering his lines with one central goal in mind: sound as evil as possible. The deliberately slow line readings, the pauses in between each statement, each of them serving as individual character elements that only made Ansem increasingly intriguing. He's the perfect contrast to Sora as he retains no hope and only wishes to drag others down with him into the darkness.

Ansem's character would end up making reappearances in future Kingdom Hearts games, which is likely thanks to Zane's initial standout performance. When you realize that many audience members felt his Titanic character was pretty heartless, it seems only fitting that Zane ends up playing Ansem, who is heartless in a far more literal sense.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.