10 Best Celebrity Appearances In Video Games You Totally Missed

2. Susan Sarandon As Granny Rags - Dishonored

dishonored granny rags susan sarandon
Arkane Studios/MGM

When Granny Rags first shows up, there's immediately something OFF about her. She certainly seems senile, fitting for a woman of her advanced age. It's hard to fully comprehend what she's really intending, and thanks to Susan Sarandon's performance of the character, it's every bit as fascinating to learn more and more about old Granny Rags.

From the first encounter Corvo has, there's already a perturbing feel from the start. Sarandon pulls this off with the initial "frail old lady" quotes, but her ability to effortlessly add an eery and ever-present sense of fear with each following line ensured that old Granny would be memorable. The way that she'd talk about her failing sense of sight and how lonely she feels makes the player feel initially sympathetic. However, when she talks to herself and you hear how she REALLY thinks and functions, then there's an added sense of distrust through each subsequent discussion.

Sarandon pulls off sympathetic, eerie, and terrifying so easily with Rags, giving each trait its own clear presence in the player's mind. Sarandon turns Rags into the very character she's supposed to be: a seemingly sweet, lonely old lady when she's with someone she cares for, and an absolutely fearsome presence when out of sight.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.