10 Best Celebrity Appearances In Video Games You Totally Missed

3. Rip Torn As Hephaestus - God Of War III

god of war hephaestus rip torn

Rip Torn may be more well-known for his roles in Men in Black and Dodgeball, but that doesn't mean he isn't capable of some voice work. There's his turn as Zeus in Hercules, then there's his more recent turn as Hephaestus that garnered him some positive attention.

His performance for the god of blacksmiths started with a sympathetic and affable impression. This changes quickly, as certain character choices portray him in a far less flattering light. His character's actions are both believable and understandable thanks to Torn's ability to bring the god's inner struggles to life. Also, his ability to not just have a "doom and gloom" personality type allows Kratos's conversations with him to be both enlightening and interesting.

His vital role in the plot demanded that he needed to be a character players actually WANTED to interact with, and Torn delivered. It's thanks to his ability to add both vitality and despair that Hephaestus is never seen as boring or uninteresting. Even though he hates the monster he's become, no monster-like appearance can hide the deeply-layered being underneath.


Gamer, movie lover, life-long supporter of Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man and Ben Affleck's Batman, you know the rest.