10 Best Character Creators In Video Games
9. Saints Row Series

If you want to, the Saints Row series offers you a nicely detailed character creator so that you may create a suitably gorgeous avatar to admire from third person as you fight your turf war. Saints Row has always been much like a clone of the more widely popular GTA series, but with that extra level of silliness that truly makes it stand out.
Discard realism entirely and enjoy the laughably diverse character creator of the Saints Row series. Designed for those clearly very easily amused, much like myself, Saints Row lets you stretch the limits of the human body to create some hilariously proportioned, colourful creatures.

Playing this game in a lighthearted way is the best way to enjoy it, and therefore why not take some time, grab a tissue to mop up all the tears you’ll be laughing, and go wild.
Madly pulling sliders to their extremities and dressing your creation up in some very flattering clothing creates the perfect tone for playing something as pure silly fun as Saints Row.