10 Best Console Games On Xbox Game Pass Right Now

7. Doom: Eternal

Xbox Game Pass
iD Software

The new entries in the Doom series are excellent reminders of what gaming is about at heart: engaging fun. Id Software's latest offering is fast paced, exhilarating, good old fashioned enjoyment.

Following on from the phenomenal success of Doom (2016), Doom: Eternal ups the ante, unleashing nothing less than Hell on Earth. For a series that has the fairly direct and simple goal of 'kill all the demons,' there is, perhaps surprisingly, more story here than in previous entries (2004's Doom 3 excepted). Earth is overrun by demons intent on humanity's destruction, and the survivors seek to end the destruction by killing the three Hell Priests, thereby ending the invasion.

Adding these additional storytelling elements and some platforming to the already slick combination of high speed gunplay, a stellar soundtrack from Mick Gordon, and improving on the level design of the previous entry, Doom: Eternal is an excellent addition to the Game Pass roster.

With the first major story DLC dropping, Game Pass allows you to dive into this most infernal of shooters and get acquainted with its hellish ways before getting yourself the DLC if you found demon-overrun Earth a pleasant excursion.

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A philosopher (no, actually) and sometime writer from Glasgow, with a worryingly extensive knowledge of Dawson's Creek.