10 Best End Credits Songs In Video Games

7. M4 Part II (Mass Effect)

How do you finish the greatest sci-fi game of the noughties? Why, by putting in best sci-fi song of the noughties!

Strong words, but we stand by them. Mass Effect is one of the most creatively rich universes ever created, and "M4 Part II" complements its space opera stylings perfectly.

Which is all the more remarkable when you realise it wasn't written with Mass Effect in mind, as obscure Canadian indie band The Faunts released the song a year before Mass Effect came out. Fortunately for them and us they shared a hometown with Mass Effect's developers, who realized the song was a perfect fit for their new game.

Guess you could say it was written in the stars! (Oof, that joke was more awkward than watching Commander Shephard dance).

Favourite lyric - And I need you to recover / Because I can't make it on my own. Perfectly summarizes the themes of brotherhood and friendship that would go on to define Mass Effect.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.