10 Best End Credits Songs In Video Games

8. Go Tell Aunt Rhody (Resident Evil 7)

Harsh, vicious and unsettling, Go Tell Aunt Rhody is the perfect closer for the most atmospheric Resident Evil yet.

RE 7 wasn't just a great game, it was a great horror game. The Baker Ranch is the most imposing location in Resi history, a constantly evolving house of horrors that ensures the player never feels comfortable at any given moment. That sense of brooding menace is tapped into perfectly with "Go Tell Aunt Rhody".

A twisted spin on an old folk song, "Go Tell Aunt Rhody" is the perfect sign-off for the game it's in. The sheer sense of wrongness it creates- of something innocent being warped into a monstrous and terrifying entity - encapsulates the horror of both Resident Evil 7's doomed Baker family, and the franchise as a whole.

Favourite lyric - His arm's outstretched but when she's done / He'll be torn apart. The sheer relish in the singer's voice on "torn apart" gets us every time.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.