10 Best End Credits Songs In Video Games

5. The Best Is Yet To Come (Metal Gear Solid)

The first Metal Gear Solid was a groundbreaking moment in video game history.

Released in 1998, Hideo Kojima's magnum opus was the most potent marriage between video games and cinema the world had yet seen. Blending a hugely enjoyable stealth-action game (itself something of a novelty at the time) with best-in-the-world cinematics and voice acting, Metal Gear Solid fully deserves its reputation as a seminal moment in gaming history.

All of which is to say - The Best Is Yet To Come does justice to the game it's in.

A hauntingly powerful Irish ballad, The Best Is Yet To Come will remain with you long after the the credits have stopped rolling. Despite being in a language most people won't understand, singer Aoife Ní Fhearraigh's ethereal vocals became inscribed in the hearts of many a gamer in the late '90s. That's not just our opinion - when Kojima wanted to tug on players' heart strings in MGS 4's nostalgia-heavy fourth act, this is the song he used to do it.

And God damn him, it worked.

Favourite lyric - An cuimhin leat an grá / Crá croí an ghrá. The song's opening lines, they immediately let the listener know that they're in for something special. (And yes, we had to google the spelling).


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.