10 Best End Credits Songs In Video Games

4. Little Things (NEO The World Ends With You)

It's a crime that so few people played 2021's NEO The World Ends With You. Not only did millions of gamers pass up on a great game, they also missed out on the best soundtrack of the year.

NEO has so many great songs: "Transformation" is an absolute banger, "Scramble" is the perfect song to listen to when you need a kick up the bum to start your day, and "Breaking Free" is a perfect three-minute distillation of teenage angst.

Happily, the game also sticks the landing with its closing track.

"Little Things" is, much like the game itself, an uplifting ode to the power of belief - both in yourself and in others. It's basically Ted Lasso in pop song form and, much like the mustachioed manager himself, it's impossible to not have your spirits lifted by it.

Favourite lyric - I've come to realise, we're so close to success / You're bound to go real far, no more noise in the way. As well as being a nice play on words ("noise" referring both to negative thoughts and the name given to the game's monsters), it perfectly showcases the upbeat enthusiasm that makes NEO such a joy to play through.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.