10 Best Gaming Remakes Of This Console Generation

9. Shadow of the Colossus

Resident Evil 2
Bluepoint Games

From one cult classic to another, Shadow of the Colossus remains one of the greatest video games ever released. Team ICO's haunting tale of obsession, grief and giganticide touched the hearts of everyone who played it back in the day, and the PS4 remake achieves the impossible task of making SotC look as beautiful in reality as it does in the memories of those who experienced it first time round.

Bluepoint Games did a stellar job updating the 2005 original for modern systems, especially for those lucky enough to own a PS4 Pro. Experiencing Wander's tragic journey at 60fps or in 4K makes a great game even better, but even if you don't have the technology to run the game at its best, SotC's beautiful art direction still makes it one of this generation's most visually striking games.

Some may decry the remake's lack of new content, (a collection of graphical filters and "find the glowing coins" sidequest notwithstanding), but that misses the point. Bluepoint Games weren't looking to reinvent Team ICO's masterpiece but to restore it so its appeal would not be lost on a modern audience. In that respect, they definitely succeeded.


Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.