10 Best Gen 1 Pokémon - Ranked

7. Ditto

132 Ditto

Ditto can be whatever Pokémon it wants to be. Does that technically make it number one no matter what?

Well, not exactly. Ditto isn't the best Pokémon because it doesn't really have a whole lot of combat prowess, only being able to copy the stats and move of whatever enemy it's facing. Whilst this technically means Ditto can be as powerful as Gyrados, he's pretty useless if you're facing a Magikarp.

The mystery surrounding Ditto is a big part of why he's so beloved. What exactly is Ditto? Where did it come from? These questions haven't ever really been answered and, until they are, Ditto will remain one of the biggest Pokémon of the first generation.

If you want proof of Ditto's popularity, just look at what happened when Pokémon Go first released. Ditto wasn't initially in the game during its launch, which sent fans crazy at the possibility that we were all simply looking in the wrong places. Although Niantic did eventually add him in, the amount of conspiracy theories surrounding this Pokémon were nuts. Only Ditto has that level of mystery.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.