10 Best Gen 1 Pokémon - Ranked

6. Meowth

52 Meowth

Being one of the biggest personalities in the Pokémon series, Meowth is easily one of the best from the first generation and beyond.

This definitely doesn't come from his combat prowess. Although Meowth does have some pretty interesting moves, there are definitely more powerful and more interesting Pokémon out there. Where Meowth shines is in his characterisation in the original Pokémon anime.

Although Team Rocket are pretty incredible in their own right, the appearance of Meowth as one of the only talking Pokémon in the series made him incredibly unique. There really isn't any other character like him out there, and his misadventures were definitely a highlight of any Team Rocket escapade.

As much as Pikachu is iconic to Ash, Meowth is synonymous with Team Rocket. They're both pretty huge figures in the Pokémon universe.

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Jumping through portals, swinging through cities, destroying beings made of darkness and occasionally shooting a gun or two. I also write about games.