10 Best Horror Games You've Probably Never Played

4. Siren: Blood Curse - Playstation 3

Arguably the scariest game I€™ve ever played. This survival horror game may have lacked the advertising of something like Dead Space, Resident Evil 6 or 5, Amnesia or Condemned but good lord, it€™s absolutely terrifying and it€™s a shame that Sony didn€™t advertised it that well in the US. You play as many different characters but the game starts with a TV crew that goes to Hanuda, a small village in Japan after receiving a mysterious E-Mail which mentions the possibility of supernatural events. They witness a disturbing ritual which causes the villagers to become into creatures called Shibito (Dead man) and a siren plays right after the event. It also turns the rain into blood. The game haves a combat system that works fairly well, but sadly the Shibito can€™t be killed so you can knock them down but they€™ll come back to life a few minutes later. The focus is on stealth and it€™s surprisingly easy to do thanks to a mechanic called Sightjacking which allows you to see through the eyes of the Shibito (The screen splits) and is easy to play. Each character has different scenarios and each level is memorable (The hospital level where you play as Bella, a ten-year old girl is arguably one of the most terrifying levels in gaming history), there are tons of collectibles and it€™s presented in episodes which makes the game easy to pick up and play since it also haves a €œPreviously in...€ segment which shows you what€™s happened in the last episodes. All the characters are extremely well written, the voice acting is phenomenal and the presentation is borderline perfect. It looks amazing and the sound design is beyond creepy (The XMB sounds for the game are just the tip of the icing). However, it€™s only available through the Playstation Store (In a gigantic 12 GB download) or as a disc from Asia or Europe (The european release also having a making-of featurette) which is the best option to experience this masterpiece so you might have to search on eBay or Amazon for a copy.

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A huge video game and film fan that's currently trying to get into film school.