10 Best Indie Platformer Video Games On PS4

2. Shovel Knight

Shovel Knight
Yacht Club Games

Shovel Knight well and truly buries its competition, feeling like a lost NES classic with its lively chiptune soundtrack and sleak 8-bit visuals. Gameplay is simple as you wield your shovel to slash and pogo-stick on top of anything that stands in your path. Eight boss knights stand in your way of completion, with each of them dishing out their own set of challenges. It's that simple, and therein lies its unending charm.

Some bosses fire a rapid range of projectiles while others will attempt to dash out before you and land critical blows before you can even get a hit in. Each stage you€™ll encounter across the branching world is inspired by these boss battles, from the icy planes of Polar Knight's stages, to the scorching depths of the Mole Knight.

Shovel Knight offers everything we demand in a great platformer; fluid controls, varied levels, and oodles upon oodles of characterful charm.

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Author, bass guitarist, beard enthusiast.