Didn't think he'd stay away for very long did you? The world of super-spies, luscious ladies and washboard-ab'd chaps isn't one that's kept away from silver screens for any length of time. And so with the announcement of Bond: Spectre heralding in all manner of tributes to what went before and what'll be coming in the next few years, it's worth mentioning those times it translated into video games too. Although the James Bond mythos is ripe for adaptation, it's actually quite surprising how little there are to pick from when you stack up every entry the martini-slinging agent has been a part of. Although to be honest you could attribute that to a certain first-person shooter that both redefined the genre and also set the standard on how to deliver a movie tie-in that wasn't a hot mess, making all the competition all but give up - plenty more on that later. Bond has forever been the suave, sophisticated dreamboat of unattainable prowess regardless of your sexual preference - it's either be like him or be with him, for most people anyway. As the series has aged over the years and everyone from Sean Connery to Pierce Brosnan and now Daniel Craig have allowed different generations to pick their 'favourite Bonds', thanks to gaming's evolution alongside, there's a plethora of tie-in games that do the same for an entirely new audience.