Chances are if you went out onto the street right now and sounded out at a remotely high volume "What's the best Bond game?" you'd no doubt hear a wall of noise gush back comprised almost entirely of "GOLDENEYE!" soundbites. Rare's point-in-time licensed tie-in has easily become their most celebrated effort, thanks to a slightly-improvised approach that led to the multiplayer being included as a goof by the development team, only presenting the finished article to the head management after the implementation was complete. They decided to just roll with it though, and it worked in ways nobody could've possibly imagined. For any gamer whose age is hovering around the 20-plus years mark, that very idea of friendship-shattering split-screen multiplayer was born out of Goldeneye's meticulously-crafted combat mechanics. Although now the state of online gaming boils down to making sure your 'ping' is greater than the other players (or something similar) there'll never be anything so primally enjoyable than jamming a wedge of card onto the screen so as to level the playing field. And don't even mention those people who snuck a look at their opposition's screen anyway... they're the worst.