10 Best James Bond Video Games

1. James Bond 007: Everything Or Nothing

For all that Goldeneye does extremely well, can you honestly say that the things that draw you to it are routed in it being a Bond game, or a supremely proficient FPS? In hindsight it's most likely the latter, as it was the first time thousands of gamers experienced competitive multiplayer, or even a fairly smooth first-person experience at all, creating an endless supply of very thickly-rimmed rose-tinted specs that it's easy to forget you're wearing. Everything or Nothing on the other hand remains one of the most enjoyable and instantly replayable Bond experiences ever programmed to disc. Once again (again) you played as Brosnan in an entirely new adventure; complete with a new theme song, host of celebrity likenesses scanned in, and a return of fan-favourite metal-mouth himself, Jaws. Just run down that voice cast for one; Judi Dench as M, Willem Dafoe as enemy Nikolai Diavolo, John Cleese as Q, Richard Kiel reprising Jaws... even Pierce finally took up Bond's vocal chords alongside the facial-scanning to round out the package. For a change third-person action was the order of the day, but again EA's bluster managed to bring everything to life like nothing before, having you doing everything from offing opponents with a range of environmental-attacks to sliding under an exploding tanker on a super bike - even the driving physics model was based on EA's Need For Speed engine. Everything just worked and came together like nothing else, and when you were going from brawling fisticuff-style with goons who had ran out of ammo, to partnering up with some gorgeous Bond girls and blasting away Dafoe's henchmen with a host of gadgets... this is the quintessential video game Bond experience through and through. Are there any we missed, or maybe the order should be changed? Let us know in the comments!
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