10 Best LEGO Video Games - Ranked

2. LEGO Lord Of The Rings

lego lord of the rings
Traveller's Tales

One of the few games that managed to capture the scope and brilliance of the Lord of the Rings universe, and quite possibly one of the best games set in Middle-Earth, Lego Lord of the Rings brought the movie to life.

Playing as your favourite characters as you traipsed across and open world middle-earth was excellent and somehow the gameplay added a unique enough spin to turn the game into an open world RPG as you completed quests alongside the main storyline. The quests weren't immense stories, but they made the game that bit more memorable.

Add to that the addition of voice clips ripped straight from the movie and edited in such a way that made seemingly harmless lines from the fantasy epic, into genuinely hilarious lines.

Where other lego games wallowed in the same formula, Lord of the Rings changed it enough to make it excellent on its own, whilst still capturing the brilliant epicness of the movies and books. That and you get to toss Gimli... what more do you want?

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.