10 Best LEGO Video Games - Ranked

3. LEGO Marvel Superheroes

Lego Marvel Super Heroes

Everyone remembers the pure and utter joy of watching the Avengers and seeing the brilliance of a shared universe pay off. Lego Marvel Superheroes takes that and takes it to a whole new level. Being the closest thing to a shared universe featuring all of Marvel's properties, the game is the Avengers, but with the X-Men, the Fantastic Four and a whole host of other minor characters (Captain Britain is obviously the best addition!)

The game has so many characters and brings them all to life as if they were ripped straight from the comic books, combining them in a story that was exceptionally well presented. It was a childhood dream to see the Avengers Assemble, so seeing everyone else in the Marvel Universe together, even if it isn't in a movie, is exceptional to experience.

Not to mention that the gameplay works well with so many characters meaning that there are dozens of unique mechanics and little puzzles to solve, making it one of the most varied games in the series.

And on top of that, it proves that the Lego format was the best way to bring a lot of the more eclectic characters in the Marvel Universe to life. We all saw what happened when they tried to make Galactus more imposing instead of bright pink!

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.