10 Best LEGO Video Games - Ranked

6. LEGO Batman: The Video Game

Lego Batman

Lego Batman was one of the first games to adopt the Lego style, and for the most part, it did so exceptionally well. Adapting that campy side of Batman from the Adam West era, they managed to merge it perfectly with the stylised world of the Lego in a surprisingly successful way. Not only that, it was one of the first Lego games to not adapt a specific storyline, instead focusing on the characters and doing so rather well.

That said, the main reason this one ranks up there with the best is the surprising amount of extra content you can discover. At the beginning, you are presented with three separate storylines dealing with a group of classic Batman enemies, and the opportunity to explore the Bat-Cave.

Brilliantly if you explore and find a way to get to Arkham Asylum, you can playing as the bad guys, doing the same missions that you played as Batman, but before he arrives. Essentially doubling the content in such a unique and entertaining way, it gives a significant edge and places this at number six.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.