10 Best LEGO Video Games - Ranked

7. LEGO Batman III: Beyond Gotham

Lego Batman 3
Traveller's Tales

Lego Batman III was essentially a Justice League game, and was simply awesome because of it. Whereas the first two Batman games dealt with more down to earth characters and forwent the cosmic threats, the third one ramped it up and made a game that rivals Lego Marvel Superheroes as the DC counterpart.

Featuring a surprisingly varied set of challenges and unique mechanics that set it apart from the other games, Beyond Gotham does a fairly good job of presenting a story with so many characters to play as, further proving the maybe a more childish portrayal often works to the favour of massive character lists.

As to why it ranks at number eight instead of being higher up, the game focusses a lot on Batman. And while that is to be understood, considering the name of the game and the fact that he is probably the most recognisable character throughout the DC Universe, it would have been nice to have it be about the Justice League.

The reason Lego Marvel Superheroes was so good was because it didn't tie the story to a single character and force you to constantly play as him. But we'll get onto Marvel's entry later...

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.