10 Best LEGO Video Games - Ranked

4. LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4

Lego Harry Potter Years
Traveller's Tales

Harry Potter has never been short of games, but it has often been short of quality ones. They either fall into the line of the first Harry Potter game detailing his first year or land in the realm of the Kinect game. But Harry Potter: Years 1-4 do a stellar job of letting you live through the first four years of Hogwarts in a charming and endearing way.

The spells and magic lend themselves well to the style of gameplay Lego games are known for and the branching castle of Hogwarts is a genuine joy to explore. Full fledged with all the hidden areas that only true Harry Potter fans know, the castle is one of the best aspects of the game and exploring it just draws you into the world almost as well as the books do.

However, the game does lose brownie points for splitting the games into two segments as is the tradition with most forms of media these days. The game doesn't feel incomplete, but it feels cheap having two games with largely the same pieces of content. But even in saying that, it's more a slight against the second than the first, but is the reason the first game only lands at the fourth position.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.