10 Best Levels In Star Wars Game History

6. Coruscant - Star Wars: Bounty Hunter

The legend of Jango and Boba Fett has always been one of the most hotly sought after parts of the Star Wars universe ever since the bounty hunter graced the big screen during The Empire Strikes Back. In order to make up for doing Boba dirty during the original trilogy, LucasArts produced Star Wars: Bounty Hunter in 2002.

Essentially a prologue to Episode II: Attack of the Clones, the game sees players take control of Jango Fett and allows them to see how he became the galaxy's most feared bounty hunter, acquires Slave I and how a meeting with one Sith Lord kickstarted the events of the Clone Wars.

Similarly to the Black Vulkar Base from Knights of the Old Republic, Bounty Hunter does a great job in showing the side of the Star Wars universe hidden away during the films. Exploring through the bowels of Coruscant, away from the polish of the Jedi Temple and Galactic Senate, is definitely the highlight here. The location just suits the strategic styles of gameplay better than any other in the game, and the lower districts, particularly its Entertainment Zone, is something that every Star Wars fan has spent time pondering and speculating about before.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.