10 Best Levels In Star Wars Game History

4. Battle Of Kamino - Star Wars Battlefront II

The original Star Wars Battlefront II's story mode revolves around the 501st Legion of Clone Troopers, an elite group of fighters that show the Star Wars stories through their own perspective. Each chapter of this legion's story has its own set of missions and unique opponents, but the raid on Kamino stands out as one of the most interesting levels ever put in a Star Wars story.

Following the fall of the Jedi Order and the rise of the Galatic Empire, the 501st Legion were alerted to the old cloning grounds on Kamino. According to the legion, the cloning facilities had begun work on manufacturing a new army of Clones to restore the Republic.

These Clones are specially designed for the mission and boast unique colourings, costumes and weapon combinations. It's also one of the best missions for fan service, pitting Imperial Stormtroopers off against Republic Clone Troopers in a tragically sombre engagement.

The ability to bring a young Boba Fett to the battleground and begin flying across every rain-soaked platform on the map, picking off Clone Troopers in whichever method a player prefers helps round this legendary level off.

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Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.