10 Best Looking VR Games

7. Robo Recall (PC, 2017)

star wars squadrons

What can we say about Robo Recall that has been said a thousand times? The game is an excellent example of what a virtual reality shooter can and should be. It is a must own for any fan of the medium and looks even better through a good visor. However, it takes a lower spot as despite its incredible graphics, it is more of tech demo for Unreal Engine’s virtual reality capabilities than a fully-fledged game.

The game is full of verticality and intense detail: when you look down a street you will see an intense attention to detail, looking up shows a beautiful city high rise full of colour and light. The game is a fast paced and make you feel like you belong in a 1990’s action movie explosion-fest, but its visuals and expertly built world make you feel grounded in the experience.

The scale of the game is massive; however, this doesn’t detract from the very real robot threat in front of you. You have to be fast and precise to survive the onslaught. The enemy character models are very real, and they will try and get close to you with all their electronic detail.

Are you a fan of beautiful mindless and glorious action? This game is for you.


I am freelance writer who somehow has the best job in the world, writing about video games and movies.