10 Best Looking VR Games

8. In Death (PC And PS4, 2018)

Unlike some of the other games on this list, this roguelike epic is not something you can play over a weekend and never touch again. Much like it’s clear Souls-Borne influence, this game deserves to be mastered and perfected. You will be rewarded with a smooth, and addictive gameplay loop.

Let’s put gameplay aside, however. The visuals of the game are something to behold. The graphics displayed in this experience are unmatched by most other virtual reality games.

The player finds himself travelling through an almost dreamy feudal inspired world, exploring gothic structures and oppressive fractured towers. This beauty and heavenly portrayal of the world is in stark contrast to the many zombies and knights that are determined to kill you on the spot. There are some excellent examples of lighting and reflection, from the bright empty skies to the oil lamps lighting your way. If you can ignore the sometimes repetitive enemy animations, you will find a lot of joy in their detailed design and shiny reflective armour.

There is a clear visual identity here, and as a result, it feels like a truly unique experience. It is one you'd love and have to try soon.


I am freelance writer who somehow has the best job in the world, writing about video games and movies.