10 Best Lovecraftian Enemies In Video Games

9. The Shadow - Amnesia: The Dark Descent

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Frictional Games

Amnesia: The Dark Descent is quintessential Lovecraft. From the heavy emphasis on isolation and the central focus around beings and themes beyond the comprehension of mortal minds, the game exudes classic Lovecraft. And it’s never more apparent, than in the enemies.

First there's The Gatherers; beings that drive men insane from just looking at them. And perhaps even more Lovecraftian, the Living Nightmare; the guardian of the orb, and one of the main antagonists across the entire game: The Shadow.

A creature that hunts and punishes those who abuse the ancient power of the mysterious orbs, The Shadow is cosmological horror at its finest. Whilst never explicitly detailed as a cosmic being, it’s protective nature towards the game's orbs is necessary to protect the universe, and provides a certain cosmological horror vibe. That, and the massive, invisible, formless appearance make him a great representation of Lovecraft.

The entire game centres around the idea of the unknown – a classic Lovecraftian theme – and The Shadow if the embodiment of that mentality. A unknowably powerfully creature, guarding unknowably powerful ancient artefacts and appearing as an unknowable, formless mass. He is the culmination of the fear of the unknown.

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I like video games, writing and writing about video games. Expect sarcasm and the dry wit of a Brit. And the occasional rant of a unhappy Scot. You know... the usual.