10 Best Modern Video Game Soundtracks
1. Mass Effect Trilogy (Jack Wall, Sascha Dikiciyan, Cris Velasco)
Some music builds characters, some builds events, but the music in Mass Effect builds a universe.
Mass effect is not a trilogy we love, it's a world we love. Every alien race, every planet, and every adversary is a part of the journey we take. To immerse us into a world unknown, music was essential, and the whole trilogy delivers in the soundtrack. Even Mass Effect 3, the red-haired stepchild of the series, had amazing music, arguably even some of the best in the franchise.
All three games feature both touching piano melodies and sweeping epics full of violins that give the events emotional weight and importance. The Reaper threat is indicated by heavy horns (oh hi, Mr. Zimmer) that signal a sense of upcoming dread. The universe of Mass Effect is rich with otherworldly sounds that feel strange yet beautiful, shaping an ideal atmosphere for exploring unknown worlds and the dangers that inhabit them.
There is a clear inspiration from electronic music pioneers, especially the space-infused sounds of Jean-Michel Jarre. Tones that feel unfamiliar, yet soft and calming. Prime examples are the tracks Leaving Earth, Vigil and Suicide Mission. But possibly one of its most defining tunes is Uncharted Worlds, which plays against the Normandy's space map. An ambiance of exploration sets in to define one of the most iconic franchises of this era. The track calms your mind and makes you feel like you've entered a new world. A world ready to be explored. By you.
I am commander Shepard, and this is my favourite soundtrack in the galaxy.