10 Best Multi-Phase Video Game Boss Fights Ever

5. Hades - Hades

Metal Gear Solid 4
Supergiant Games

Hades, the final boss of the eponymously titled roguelike dungeon crawler, more than lives up to the literal and figurative hell players have surely put themselves through to reach him.

The first phase is tricky enough - Hades wields a massive spear which can deal catastrophic damage if you aren't quick on your feet.

This is without even mentioning the debilitating skills he can cast, the fact he can turn invisible, and that once you get close to draining his life bar, he'll sic his minions on you.

"Finish" the job and a wounded Hades will drop down to one knee before pulling a total troll-job and re-filling his health bar for phase two.

Set to a totally insane metal score, the second round sees Hades throw a few more moves into his repertoire, and it goes without saying that unsuspecting players can easily get caught out.

The euphoria of finally triumphing over Hades speaks for itself, though, and this final showdown sure didn't disappoint.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.