10 Best Multi-Phase Video Game Boss Fights Ever

4. Photoshop Flowey - Undertale

Metal Gear Solid 4
Toby Fox

Final bosses don't come much more creative or unhinged than Photoshop Flowey (aka Omega Flowey) at the end of Undertale's neutral route.

This heavily segmented battle reveals Flowey's final form after he absorbs the six human SOULs, transforming into a nauseating, skin-crawling fusion of flower, human, and machine.

The ensuing fight is heavily segmented, alternating between fighting Flowey and reclaiming each of the six SOULs through an array of totally insane bullet hell sequences.

Once you have the SOULs, you'll be able to whittle Flowey's giant health bar down, though upon doing so, he'll simply reload a previous save file, call you an idiot, and restart the fight with a full health bar.

Thankfully, though, the SOULs will step in and help defeat Flowey once and for all.

Between the frequently fourth wall-breaking visuals and insane musical score, this is a sensory assault of a final boss fight beyond any and all compare.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.