10 Best Multi-Phase Video Game Boss Fights Ever

3. Sephiroth - Final Fantasy VII

Metal Gear Solid 4
Square Enix

Everyone has their favourite Final Fantasy boss, but in terms of prolonged multi-phase fights that are as entertaining as they are lengthy, it's tough to argue with Final Fantasy VII's climactic endurance trial against Sephiroth.

The final battle is effectively a four-stage boss rush taking place in the Northern Cave without any breaks or save points in-between.

First off, players take on Jenova's final form, Jenova SYNTHESIS, which when nearing defeat will cast the ultra-damaging Ultima attack.

Survive that and you're onto round two against Bizarro Sephiroth, a mutated form of Sephiroth who the player can potentially battle with multiple parties depending on how they've played the game up to this point.

Get past Bizarro and there's the ironically-monikered Safer Sephiroth, Sephiroth's final form who can cast the infuriatingly devastating Super Nova attack, all while set to the character's theme tune "One Winged Angel."

Defeat Safer and you'll then be gifted a scripted, can't-lose final showdown with regular 'ol Sephiroth, where you simply have to hit him with Omnislash and it's all over.

Beyond the obvious player nostalgia and accepting its sometimes brutal difficulty, this remains the blueprint for an epic, harder-than-nails Final Fantasy end-boss that truly delivers the goods.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.