10 Best Multiplayer Maps From The Gears Of War Trilogy

1. Gridlock (Gears Of War)

gears of war gridlock

It had to be Gridlock. Gridlock is the quintessential Gears of War map. It's the map players use as a barometer of quality, often wondering which map will be the 'new Gridlock'. It's no surprise then, that Gridlock has made a return - often with some kind of visual redressing - in every numbered Gears of War game, including the newly-released Gears 4.

Impeccably balanced, Gridlock is a pretty tight-knit map, offering up a number of power weapons. The Longshot sniper rifle or Torque Bow is available in a slightly raised, central part of the map, opposite where the Boomshot can be fought over. Grenades can be found in between these points, leading to furious battles over control of the centre of the map. Outside this, the outskirts offer more cover and the ability to pick up powerful pistols, as well as flank your opponent.

Gridlock is the perfect map. It offers cover, but also open space. Firefights happen quickly and frequently, with skilled players also dodging sniper rounds and Boomshot blasts on either side. Gridlock cemented itself as the ultimate Gears of War map during the early days of Xbox Live and has remained consistently popular ever since.


Which multiplayer map reigns supreme? Let us know in the comments!


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.