10 Best Multiplayer Maps From The Gears Of War Trilogy

3. Jacinto (Gears Of War 2)

gears of war 2 jacinto

The last bastion of safety for the COG is also one of the best multiplayer maps. Jacinto is a large map, with two easily defended towers housing frag grenades, a heavy weapon in the centre of the map and a long-range weapon out in the open. There are numerous chokepoints designed to create firefights, but the multiple power weapons means you always have to keep a look out.

Jacinto is an excellent map for Guardian as the leader has plenty of options to hide. Do they follow their teammates, or do they barricade themselves by the towers?

The towers, while easy to defend, are also open to attack, especially from the front - from the back, there's no way in. Jacinto often creates tense, last-man-standing scenarios, where a player is backed up against a proverbial wall by the grenade towers. Frag-tagging means you're somewhat defended, but it's likely the enemy will have a nasty surprise waiting on either side if they know what they're doing.

While Jacinto is a good map all round, it mainly secures its place here thanks to countless memories of Guardian. Easily the best map, for one of the best modes.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.