10 Best Multiplayer Maps From The Gears Of War Trilogy

4. Blood Drive (Gears Of War 2)

gears of war Blood Drive

Set in the hospital at the start of Gears 2's campaign, Blood Drive is one of the series' best maps. It's a map for risk-takers. The map lends itself to frag-tagging, as the small pathways to flanking the spawn points are often rigged with explosives. Blood Drive can lead to longer, drawn out matches, but it's a tense and often escalating experience.

Despite being a fairly large map, most matches would see most of the map being used. Two power weapons sit at the bottom of the map, overlooked by vantage points. If you can stomach the run though, the power weapons are often worth the trouble - you'll be rewarded with a Longshot sniper or Torque Bow on one side, while the other side often housed a Scorcher flamethrower.

Blood Drive would make its return in both Gears 3 and Gears: Judgment, but it never quite retained its original charm. The map is also great for Horde mode, as you can easily barricade yourself in one of the corridors or the starting room thanks to the availability of frag grenades.


Gamer, writer and still patiently awaiting Bloodborne 2.