10 Best Multiplayer Weapons In Gaming History

8. The Smart Pistol (Titanfall 2)

You know that feeling when you're just struggling to land those shots? Feeling them waste away as you duke it out with someone who can shoot better than you. Well until you get better, Titanfall 2 has the perfect gun for you.

The Smart Pistol is a weapon that will cut your enemies down with almost no effort, and that is for one simple reason: it aims for you. Whether opponents are peeking through a window or jumping from rooftop to rooftop, you'll have no problem getting scores of kills in a row, while you stay on the move.

As long as you can see your enemy and click the trigger, the gun will make sure they go down. Running along walls and spotting someone is the best way to use this, as you can focus on movement and evasion, while not worrying about having to land shots.

The only downside is that the Smart Pistol does absolutely nothing to Titan mechs. Hitting them isn't too much of a problem but you do next to no damage.

Hey, Respawn had to let people do something to stop you, right?

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Halo 3
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A lad and his parrot who have too much time on their hands. I also write short horror stories as well at: https://twitter.com/soon_told