10 Best New Female Video Game Characters Of The Decade

8. Chloe Price - Life Is Strange

Bioshock Infinite Elizabeth

Chloe Price is the playable character of Life Is Strange: Before The Storm, and while that's a tidy little game, she's here off the back of her supporting role in Life Is Strange itself. Most of Before The Storm is framed by the original game anyway, providing backstory, context and references for fans of the series.

As a choose your own adventure game, Chloe's role in the story and ultimate fate can differ greatly depending on your play style. The preferred fan canon though is for her and player character Max to become girlfriends, thus leaving Max (by extension, you) with a heartbreaking choice over whether to sacrifice Chloe to save Arcadia Bay or keep her alive and risk the consequences.

Regardless of how you play though, it's clear Chloe is a brilliantly drawn character who climbs out from her stereotype almost immediately. The expelled punk, Chloe actually harbours a deep heartbreak from the loss of her father, and struggles with her spiky coping mechanisms.

An alternate reality flashback even sees her crippled, leaving Max to decide whether to euthanize her. Chloe and Life Is Strange were deeply affecting and pushed all sorts of boundaries.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)