10 Best New Video Game Characters Of 2017
3. Jack Baker (Resident Evil 7)

In a gaming year that seemed lacking in memorable villains, Jack Baker feels like something of a revelation - even if the character ultimately errs on the side of parody (Texas Chainsaw Massacre, eat your heart out).
So he's the patriarch of the Baker family, whose house you wind up exploring for the sum of Resident Evil's latest instalment. Weird and wonderful though the other Bakers are in their own special ways, it's Jack who makes the biggest impact.
Basically, then, Jack is a maniac who wants nothing more than to see Resident Evil's protagonist, Ethan, murdered in the most horrifying manner possible. Essentially he's the crazed hillbilly you've seen in countless films over the years, though it's the voice acting - courtesy of Jack Brand - that really elevates the character.
The fact that Jack plagues you for the sum of the game, constantly returning from the dead in order to harass you some more, means he's arguably the one element of the game you'll remember long after you've finished playing it.
It's also worth mentioning that, aside from being downright terrifying, Jack is actually really funny: he straddles the line between genuinely scary and outright hilarious, which is obviously what you want from a villain of this type. In fact, it's an intoxicating blend that arguably cements him as the franchise's best ever baddie.